Since the solubility parameter of polyacrylate is not much different from that of uncured epoxy resin, the two have goo...
Since the solubility parameter of
polyacrylate is not much different from that of uncured epoxy resin, the two have good mutual solubility. And because the main chain of polyacrylate does not contain double bonds, it has good thermal oxidation resistance.
The determinants of acrylic liquid rubber toughening epoxy are: whether the rubber phase is formed, the composition and elasticity of the rubber phase, the size distribution of the rubber phase particles, the chemical bonding of the rubber phase and the epoxy resin matrix, and the molecular structure of the epoxy resin matrix and The epoxy functional group concentration of l in the molecule, etc. Among them. The main factors are the phase structure of the cured resin system, the chemical bonding of the rubber phase and the epoxy matrix, and the ductility of the epoxy resin system itself. The phase structure of the acrylic liquid rubber toughened epoxy system is mainly based on the rubber phase. Regular spherical particles are uniformly dispersed in the epoxy matrix, and the dispersed phase is composed of two kinds of spherical particles of different sizes.
The two-pole distribution of particle size is beneficial to toughening. Small particles mainly contribute to shear deformation, and large particles can prevent crack growth. In this way, it has obvious effect on the toughening modification of epoxy resin.