Defense and security sectors Due to their proven impact resistance, ability to absorb explosive energy, durability and quick setting features, polyurea coatings and linings easily find use in the defense and security sectors. Polyurea's application in ballistic missile system is well documented. As... read more
Compared to epoxy coatings, polyurea is greatly superior in moisture resistance, UV resistance (for aliphatic coatings), abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, temperature resistance and durability. It also has a quicker cure time. Compared to polyurethane, polyurea has superior durability, chem... read more
The global market size in 2015 for all coatings and paints was USD $141.58 billion. Of that, polyurea coatings were greater than USD $500 million, with the construction sector making up 40% of the market share. The global polyurea coating consumption in 2014 was 114.3 kilotons. The global market si... read more
There is no coating system that can successfully replace polyurea in all respects, due to its unique physical properties and durability. However, it's surface preparation requirements are very stringent. Polyurea protects wooden, concrete and steel surfaces and structures from abrasion and corrosio... read more
Polyurea coatings have some unique advantages that set them apart from other types of protective coatings. They also have some limitations and special requirements in order to properly apply them. 1. What is Polyurea? Polyurea is an elastomer substance derived from step-growth polymerization, whi... read more