INDUSTRIAL GLOVES These re-useable gloves, made from natural rubber latex (NR), nitrile (NBR) or polychloroprene, are suitable for use for protection in the industrial environment such as: woodworking, welding, electroplating – protect against hand laceration automotive, automotive components – prot... read more
The mechanism of action of flame retardants is relatively complicated and is not yet fully understood. It is generally believed that halogen compounds undergo a decomposition reaction when exposed to fire and heat, and the decomposed halogen ions react with polymer compounds to produce hydrogen hali... read more
Cementing is one of the most important operations performed on a well in order to ensure complete zonal isolation, aquifer protection, and the structural integrity of the wellbore. Without it, the well may never reach its full production potential, and liquids from one zone could interfere with, o... read more
Cementing of wellbore is one of the most critical operation in the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells. The most important function of Oil & Gas well cementing is to isolate the various zones within wellbore, provide adequate support for casing, and prevent any fluids to migrate. This... read more
Non-intumescent fire-retardant coatings are composed of flame-retardant or non-combustible resins, flame-retardants, and fire-retardant fillers. The coating has good flame retardancy. Can prevent the flame from spreading. a. Main film-forming substancesFlame-retardant resins, generally polymer synt... read more