Disposable nitrile gloves are a kind of chemical synthetic material, which is made of acrylonitrile and butadiene through special process and formula improvement. The breathability and comfort are close to latex gloves, and it will not cause any skin allergies. Nitrile gloves have been developed in... read more
Bulletproof board coated with polyurea Polyurea coatings were first used as anti-corrosion coatings. In recent years, through continuous research and development, polyurea coatings have made a major breakthrough. It can even withstand the high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees caused by the exp... read more
Blue temporary protective film As we all know, the window is the most vulnerable part of the house. No matter what device the glass uses, it cannot withstand the attack of thieves, bomb explosions, or storms. The glass protective film can help you resist these unhappy accidents. The protective film... read more
Flame retardantsrefer to a variety of substances that are added to combustible materials to prevent fires from starting or to slow the spread of fire and provide additional escape time. The term “flame retardant” refers to a function, not a family of chemicals. Avariety of different chemistries, wi... read more
When fire safety is a priority, the right flame retardant technology can make all the difference in product safety. When fires do start, they slow down the spread and increase valuable escape time. Our flame retardant portfolio is suitable for different substrates in a variety of industries, tailore... read more