
  • Distinguish  Screen printing and Screen printing

    Distinguish Screen printing and Screen printing

    Screen printing Screen printing may be a hand operation or an automatic machine process. The cloth is first laid on a printing table, gummed in position or pinned to a back gray, and then the design is applied through a screen made of silk or nylon gauze stretched over a wooden or metal frame, on w... read more

    Mar 19,2021 Industry News
  • How to select the use of textile emulsion

    How to select the use of textile emulsion

    Roller printing This technique is used whenever long runs of fabric are to be printed with the same design. The modern machine, based on one originally devised in 1783, consists of a large central cast-iron cylinder over which passes a thick endless blanket providing a resilient support for the fabr... read more

    Mar 19,2021 Industry News
  • How to use fabric emulsion

    How to use fabric emulsion

    Printing is a process of decorating textile fabrics by application of pigments, dyes, or other related materials in the form of patterns. Block printing The wood block with embossed design is made of strong wood, or a material that glues fine-grained wood with cheap wood. When a large area is incl... read more

    Mar 19,2021 Industry News
  • Printing in  fabric

    Printing in fabric

    Painting Printing is a process of decorating textile fabrics by application of pigments, dyes, or other related materials in the form of patterns. Although apparently developed from the hand painting of fabrics, such methods are also of great antiquity. There is evidence of printing being carried o... read more

    Mar 19,2021 Industry News
  • What are the basic components of fire protection additives?

    What are the basic components of fire protection additives?

    Fire retardants are also called fire retardants and flame retardants. It can protect plastic products, textiles, wood and other agents that prevent fire or slow the spread of flames. The main reason is that the medicament can generate a large amount of incombustible gas or the medicament film can no... read more

    Mar 16,2021 News

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