A powder-free medical glove having a first surface of a powder-free coagulant and a second surface with a polymer coating to ease donning. The powder-free coagulant on the first surface comprises micronized high-density polyethylene, a micro-emulsion of amino silicone, a dimethicone emulsion, calciu... read more
Classification of oil well cement: At present, the commonly used oil well cement is mainly high-grade Portland cement. Limestone or calcareous tuff, clay or shale and a small amount of iron ore are mixed into raw materials according to a certain ratio, and then calcined at a high temperature of 1... read more
Endothermic effect: The amount of heat released by any combustion in a short period of time is limited. If part of the heat released by the fire source can be absorbed in a short period of time, the temperature of the flame will be lowered, radiating to the burning surface and acting on the alrea... read more
In order to reinforce the well wall, ensure continued safe drilling, seal oil, gas and water layers, ensure layered oil testing during exploration and reasonable oil and gas production during the entire mining process, high-strength steel is inserted into the drilled well The process of quality... read more
The required physical properties of the cement are essential before commencing cementing operations. The proper set cement is also determined, including the density and viscosity of the material, before actually pumping the cement into the hole. Special mixers, including hydraulic jet mixers, re-cir... read more