
Acrylic interior and exterior wall paint

Update: Cement-Based Paints: It is water based paint and is applied on the peripheral surface of the house. It is highly water...
Summary:Jan 28,2021
Cement-Based Paints: It is water based paint and is applied on the peripheral surface of the house. It is highly water resistant and gives the finest outcome on newly concrete surface.
Acrylic emulsion paint: It provides excellent protection against vagaries of nature withstanding fairly extreme of heat and cold and rain. Also it’s extremely resistant to fungus, algae and peeling and remains effective for 4-5 year. 

Finishing of Exterior Surfaces

Exterior surfaces require special finishing with specific qualities which are following.  

  • Weather coat textured.
  • Highly durable, weather resistant, masonry paint. 
  • Texture hides fine cracks.
  • Suitable for most exterior masonry surfaces.
  • Weather coat smooth. 
  • Smooth exterior wall paint with a tough, durable finish.
  • Provides long lasting weather protection.

Paints for Exterior Walls

While choosing color of the paint and finish, it’s hard to decide which paint will suitable for the exterior walls. When you choose paint for exterior surface/walls, you should decide ease of application, protection against weather and the most important is its quality. They should be attractive yet durable enough to withstand weathering. The paints for exterior surfaces (such as brick, cement, stucco, cinder block and asbestos-cement) include following types.   

Marketing sales
Zhejiang Ruico Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (Stock No.873233)
Add: No.188, Liangshan Road, Linghu Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 313018
WhatsApp : 15383413149
Wechat: 15383413149

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